Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm back

Woooh!! Its been awhile since I last blog. I've been really busy with my golf and stuff or maybe its just an excuse for not blogging. =) But golf is really important to me. I just got home from practice and it was good as I'm hitting the balls well, which is a compliment for me. I guess!! Coach has check my swing and according to him all is fine. 1 thing is the weather here is just up and down.. It rains alot nowadays and I really don't know why.. Global warming? LOL That just means that I cant golf in peace in the day.

High School Musical 3 is coming up on the big screen in 4 days time. I cant wait for it though!! Everyone does think its gay but I think the people in it have the last laugh as they're earning millions. Well you can say I'm a fan of it BUT not a big one Kathryn cause you always says I am. lol chill!!

I have a tournament coming up this Sunday. Cross fingers.. Michele I'm sad that you cant spend Christmas with us this year. =( Cant wait for you and chelle to come home next summer where we shall have a whale of a time at home and also Bukit tinggi. We 3 musketeers pop's out and ruin the course once again. HAHAHA JK =) OMG I really cant wait till then. Ohhh yeah I got my horn here where we shall go after the wild boars.. Woop woop!! The next Pahang amateur is mine and no one shall take away from me. I mean it ay. well I'm off to bed now so cheers people. Have a great day coming ahead.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rainy days!!

It has been raining the past few days, almost a week!! And finally after a week I get to play in the course today. Before that was only practicing at the range.. Well I just got back from the Genting highlands the day before, all i can say it was fun and a enjoyable trip! But 1 thing that spoilt is the rain as when we were at the theme park we need to go in and out.. grr that's frustrating!! But it was also quite fun playing in the and imagine sitting on rides at like 9.30 at night in the rain..OMG we must be crazy to do that.. and the worst thing is, it was freezing my balls off.. it was so clod in the night and even my balls was shivering..LOL

The next day we went for rock climbing and I hurt my wrist. =( It hurt so much till i was suffering from muscle pain for 2 days. But right after i reach home i went for practice only i realise that it hurt more.. Well basically me and my cousin did something really really wrong.. OMG i cant even imagine that we would do something like that.. I was really blur. Damn If you wanna know ask me.. i cant tell it out here cause it will be a shame and a big laugh too.

Can anyone believe that I've watched Mama Mia 4times..haha Kat and Suyin it was fun that day though you 2 were the 1 who force me to watch it We sing and dance in the High 5!! I remember Kat was so piss cause the guy behind keeps kicking your seat.. and suyin told him off.HA HA Yeah i almost forgot, Congrats chelle(Michelle koh) for the winning in Florida yesterday if I'm not mistaken.. =) That's all for tonight I'm suppose.. Good night people and have a good day ahead!! See you later alligator..

Off to bed, Payce!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Lets count down for the abnormal and normal holidays.

OMG!! 3 more days left to the family trip. Well am pretty excited because it will be heaps of fun meeting up with my cousins though. On Friday, I'll be heading up to Bukit Tinggi for a round of Golf before head back to Genting Highland the next day.. I would really wanna go in the Casino but too bad I'm too young.. =( oh well like Daniel says ''A casino sounds cool, but no card counting, you can't jeopardise your golf practice by being put in jail.'' I LOL at that. So i guess i wont be able to play golf for maybe 2 or 3 days.. well no golf its like a punishment for me. or maybe its just abusing myself..ha ha Basically i should just take it as a rest cause too much golf you'll get tired.. so I'll just say that would be an good excuse to cover my Joking. I shall upload some of the picture here later when I'm back in the following week holding maybe a million dollar back home from the casino but hopefully it wont get me into trouble. =)

Michele shot 74 in Tusculum today, Tennessee (Green hill) which leads her to be the 1st round leader.. Proud of ya sis.. Great job done!! There's 2 more rounds to go so keep it up and play well.. Will be here for you always.. Cheers!!! Think back of the olden days where we 2 musketeers suppose to be 3 where Michelle koh cant make it ruined up uncle Steven's golf course..HAHAHA Maybe you did it more often then i do by driving all around the course fairways causing tire marks all around..hahaha give me 5.. well we shall continue this end of the year where we ask janjie to come along and join the big family..haha The time really we 3 musketeers will go all out.. even the wild boars will be afraid of us.. or maybe they will just come right at us. I hope it dont get stuck in my (Joking)

Hope it doesnt rain today as it has been raining the pass few days. strong wind and all.. so I havent been in the golf course for 2 days.. only practice.. Damn i hope i get to play today cause its very sunny now.. =) Thats all for now. will post some pictures out thats for sure.. Have a good day and night!! =)



Thursday, September 25, 2008

Got my Golf swing fix today.. =)

Well i just got back from golf 2hours ago and am happy with it today cause i fix my swing by knowing that the problem is cause of my gripping.. I have a very strong grip that cause my ball to hook alot but once i finally realised it today.. i get the ball very nice.tho i still feel alittle unconfort with the grip but once i get used to it soon or later i promise it will be better.

Apparently i just got off the phone with Kathryn and Sharon. OMG Kat you really made me laugh my pants off. after hours talking to you.. especially the part that we prank pui yean where you started it 1st.. Jesus Marry and Joseph.. i really had a good laugh and all the giggled.. =)

This is me and janjie taking some random funny

Hilarious.. Daddy low,me janjie,mommy low and my coachyyy

Well i think ill just upload 2 picture for now as i dont really want my page to be like full of... you know..LOL!! well I guess this is all for tonight.. Good nite everyone and have a nice day. xx



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Golf today.. Abnormal and Normal holiday.

Yay.. finally i get to golf after a whole big 3 days of no golfing.. I went to the range yesterday for practice and went in the course today though.. game was preety cool but the putting is still not as good as i supposed. still missing it left.. Pulling all of it.. Damn! Got a good drive today.. it carried 290m and bounce alittle so all in total would be aroubd 300m. Im satisfy with it.. well yeah.. Coach will be back in a few days time so everything will be fine by then.. LOL

I'll be heading up to bukit tinggi for a night and play around of golf there, also a ABNORMAL holiday trip as (Daniel Gibbons) would say cause it involve with Golf.. HAHA Hilarious dan..
But the next day will be a normal holiday trip as it doesnt involve with golf aye. This will be one in a year family reunion thingy.. its a BIG thing yo.. where we'll have loads of fun. =)

Michele dont be jelous as you wont be joining us this year no babe. But the fun wont be there as youre not with us this 1 and only 1st time.. =( Remember what i said when youre back we celebrate 3 in 1?? We throw a big party at home.. and we play beer pong baby.. =) OMG come back faster cause i cant wait to play beer pong with you. we team up and beat the shit out of them.LOL This year Christmas must be really special.. I'll plan k.. xxxxx

Cheers. loveee.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Movie day out =). No Golf today =( Damn.. I miss Golf.

OMG!! I dont really know why am i writting this like 2 days in a row. This came into my mind suddenly am I obsess with this blog thingy?? Nah.. I dont really think so though. But sometimes its nice to write something over here.

I went out for 2 movie with a friend today.. We watched Halloween and Mama Mia. The so call Halloween SUCKS way big time. BUT the Mama Mia is very nice. Its a musical drama which will be on broadway end of this year.. I would love to go watch it though.. =) The cinema was like freezing ice cold today and i dont know why.. we were shaking from A to Z.. HA HA

But the funny part today was when i spoke to aunty May (Joseph's mom) she as me Thomas what are you doing in the mall?? why arent you practicing your golf today?? I was stunt and i did not know what to answer.. so i jt giggled.. 2nd thought came to me.. i also cant believe that i havent golf for 2 days..OMG shit i have to work my putts. Will be playing tomorrow anyone wanna join? =)

Chele has finished her 1st round but the scores aint good as she hurt her back today.. Hope you recover fast sis as today is the 2nd round where youre playing by now.. But this blog time is wrong so it sucks.. ha ha Anyways Go Crusaders.. I know you guys can do it.. Cheers =)

Owhh well, I guess thats all from me tonight. Hopefully will have time to blog tomorrow!!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

My sunglasses

Hey even me, i cant believe what i just did the day before. Guess what!! I sat on my own sunglasses and now its all flatten.. SHIT.. well thats my favorite though. It all happen on the golf course at the 10th hole par5 3rd shot where i duff that chip and i was really angry so i totally forgot bout that and sat onit.. once i feel theres something down my bum i was like oh God.. HAHA what an idot..LOLxz

In less then half an hour me and mommy will be heading bck to a small town for the day which is my grandmothers house for a visit which daddy cant make it with us this time as he's busy..
Hope to play a round of Golf later too when i get back early today. i have been facing problem on my putting. =( can you believe i'm missing a 4 and a 5 ft putt?? the saddest thing is i 3 putt from a 4ft downhill and throw the whole tournament away to some other random guy.. i was so piss.. You all should listen what my coach told me on the phone when he got to know what happen.. HILARIOUS
Chele is also now in Myrtle beach safely. I guess she must be having LOADS of fun over there now though. Sea trail starts tomorrow and they must be practicing hard.. GOOD LUCK and ENJOY sis.. Lovee xx
